Pretty sure it would be easier to buy a chicken than eggs at this point...
I'm not on home-bound lock down at this point. But, I'm trying to confine myself to my home as much as possible. There's really nothing else to do. And, I'm not going to go running to the cesspool called Walmart to go stock up on things that other people probably need more than I do. If we can't gather in groups of 10, why is Walmart packed like Black Friday?
I'd love nothing more than to just act like all is back to normal today. This has been fascinating, "novel," and intertesting. Today, I'm kind of done with it. I can tell certain stages, a lot like road trip ones, are starting to emerge. Yesterday, I was mad, and then transferred into a type of resigned lethargy. I started watching Julia Child... Today, I'm just done.
Speaking of watching things, I have noticed that Netflix is doing a top ten list, every day, of what everyone is watching. Outbreak keeps topping the list. Why is that movie even allowed to be watched right now? Nothing would promote my panic more than a movie about a pandemic, yet, we can't seem to get enough.
So, back to Julia Child. I found her most refreshing yesterday. And, I was completely transfixed, but then hungry. I'd love to cook some of her recipes, especially while here at home. But. Walmart. Lack of eggs. Lack of flour. Lack of common sense. At least there's plenty of carrots and green beans. I'm starting to work on my package, slowly but surely.
Here are some interesting and sad facts. I've been alone for 96 hours or so. In those 96 hours, I have touched one person. Dan shook my hand. Good old Dan. And, counting Dan, I've spoken to three people, face to face. Don't know any of them. So weird. I don't say that to make you feel sorry for me. I'm okay, just wandering around the apartment, not really wanting to do anything productive.
On a good note, I got a picture of my new puppy last night. I hope to get her in about four weeks. She's perfect in every way. I sure wish I had her now.
I wish you all the very best today. Take care of each other. Reach out. Be kind. Love